What is a Benchmark Job?
The function of a criterion is one that performs a standardized and consistent duty from one organization to another and for which data are available in valid and reliable pay surveys.
For a standard job classification, data is compiled from the appropriate pay survey to determine the average wage rate for the job. The job is then “slotted” in the pay grade with the grade midpoint which is closest to the average salary reported in the survey.
Benchmark Job also called core jobs, standard jobs are positions that are consistent across the industry in terms of salary, responsibilities, seniority, and are therefore comparable from organization to organization. Data is available widely on key metrics for this kind of job, including salary and career route.
Data is beneficial to both employers and employees. Employers can determine what level of responsibility their employees are performing and whether the salaries offered are in step with the identical position throughout the industry. Employees may use data during negotiations for a replacement job or after they are already employed to extend pay/liability. Benchmark jobs are much more likely to be business-oriented jobs (e.g. office managers, HR managers) or industry-specific (such as the graphic design in the digital media industry).
Non-benchmark Jobs
Non-benchmark jobs are those that valid and reliable salary survey data aren't available. they will be jobs that are unique to our organization. Or, these are also jobs that don't exactly match the position such as the published survey. Non-benchmark jobs are those that valid and reliable salary survey data isn't available. they will be jobs that are unique to our organization. Or, these are also jobs that don't exactly match the position cherish in the published survey.
To determine the pay grade for non-benchmark work in Lehigh, we follow a systematic approach that includes these steps:
- Determine the location for a working family in Lehi
- Compare that job to a non-benchmark job in the same job family based on factors that are important to the family (e.g., skills requirements, management responsibilities, educational requirements, decision-making responsibilities, etc.)
- The “slot” job is in the appropriate pay grade and positioned within the range compared to other positions in that job family.