The importance of supply chain management, Process


The importance of supply chain management

It is well known that supply chain management is an integral part of most businesses and it is essential for the success of the company and customer satisfaction.

  • Boost Customer Service
  • Reduce Operating Costs
  • Improve Financial Position
       Societal Roles of SCM
  • Ensure Human Survival
  • Improve Quality of Life
  • Protect Cultural Freedom and Development.

Supply chain management process

Supply chain management process

  1. Strategic planning process
  2. Demand planning process
  3. Supply planning process
  4. Procurement
  5. Manufacturing
  6. Warehousing 
  7. Order fulfillment
  8. Transportation

What is the greening supply chain?/ Green supply chain.

Greening supply chain initiatives are part of the process of implementing a sustainable development plan aimed at achieving improved environmental, health, and safety performance; Increase efficiency in the use of energy, water, or other natural resources or raw materials; Reducing the environmental and social impact of business activities on local communities and the global wildlife; And increases the opportunities to increase the economic and quality of life that come from the company’s business activities. click me for a more detailed verson!

Why green supply chain management is important?

Because the green supply chain can reduce environmental pollution and production costs and it can also emphasize economic development, create a greater competitive advantage in terms of customer satisfaction, positive image, and reputation, and provide better opportunities to export their products to environmentalist countries.

Supply chain risk management/ How do you manage supply chain risk?

Manage known risks

Companies can use a combination of structured problem solving and digital tools to effectively manage their known-risk portfolio in four steps:

                            supply chain risk management
Exhibit 1

Step 1: Documenting identified risks,
Step 2: Create a supply-chain risk-management structure,
Step 3: Risk monitoring,
Step 4: Institute Administration and Regular Review. for details clickme!

Manage unknown risks

supply chain risk management

Exhibit 2
Build strong defenses,
Build a risk-aware culture. for details clickme!

What is supply chain automation?/ supply chain automation.

Supply chain refers to the systematizing part or all workflow to improve automation processes. In short, it means using technology to centralize the complex web of causation.

There are a lot of potential benefits to trading auto parts or all supply chains - namely, to reduce manual effort while increasing productivity, efficiency and accuracy.

What does a supply chain manager do/ What are the responsibilities of a supply chain manager?

A supply chain manager is responsible for managing equipment, hardware, and other logistical details of a company, or a company's department. It is their job to take all the necessary steps to procure the raw material, to supply it at different times of the business, to ensure that the company supplies its products in sufficient quantity to meet the customer's demand, and to deliver the output on time.

Supply chain managers are responsible for managing and managing the overall supply chain and logistics strategy and management of the organization to maximize process efficiency and productivity. Also, they play an important role in developing and maintaining good relationships with vendors and distributors.

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