What is Organizational Development? 5 Phases, benefits, process, and elements of organizational development.

Organization Development vs Organizational Development

What is meant by organizational development?

Organizational development is a vital, science-based process that aids in the development, enhancement, and strengthening of strategies, systems, and processes to help organizations transform and become more successful.

Definition 2: Organizational development can be defined as the purpose-oriented method used to initiate system change in an entity. Organizational development is achieved through the process of communication or changes in the structures that support them. The study of employee behavior enables professionals to examine the work environment and observe and anticipate change, which in turn influences organizational development.

What is Organization Development?

Organization Development (OD) is a method that focuses on aligning objectives, systems, people, incentives, indicators, and management processes in order to improve an organization's capabilities. It is a science-supported, interdisciplinary field between psychology, culture, innovation, social sciences, adult education, human resource management, change management, organization behavior, and research analysis and design.

Organization development involves an ongoing, regular, long-range process of running organizational effectiveness, problem solving, and improving organizational performance. This is one of the capabilities in the talent development capability model.


A classic concept of organizational growth is as follows: Organization Development: Strategies and Models, by Richard Beckhard, was published in 1969.

An effort to develop the organization which:

  • Planned
  • Organization-wide
  • Operated from above
  • Increase the efficiency and health of the organization
  • Through systematic intervention in the “processes” of the organization using behavioral-science knowledge.


It’s no surprise that OD is the only organization of practitioners ’analysis, which means OD we focus on developing the organization’s capabilities through the alignment of strategies, structures, management processes, people and rewards, and metrics.

The Global OD Competition Framework describes the key skills, competencies, behaviors, and other characteristics required for superior performance as an OD professional. The framework has five main capabilities and 15 skills.

Goals of organizational development

We have already briefly touched on the development goals of the organization. The goal is different for each organization. Goals may include increasing profits, profit margins, market share, ethical and / or cultural values, and general adaptability (or agility) of the organization.

If there is a central goal, it will increase the competition of the organization.

Competition is an idea that each company has unique resources and skills that help companies win the market. It could be a guy (a businessman or Google team like Elon Musk), an innovative product (SpaceX), a superior service (Four Seasons Hotel), or a culture (Zapos). This can be how responsive the company is to changes in market demand. If you are the first to capitalize on an opportunity, for example, it can further strengthen your income over the next five years.

Audi’s goal is to develop these aspects, as they can help businesses win in the market.

This means that organizational development is different from the process of incidental change. OD focuses on enhancing the company's ability to evaluate its current performance and adjust it to achieve its goals. It is, therefore, an uninterrupted process, where change processes are often temporary.


It also emphasizes the relevance of OD. This husk is becoming a constant element of change in the world. OD is an integral method to ensure this constant change.


What are the five stages of organizational development?

OD professionals should integrate OD skills with a growing number of L&D, performance improvement, and talent management solutions, with a focus on increasing organizational efficiency. The process used by OD practitioners to design and implement organizational development strategies is structured in five stages:


1) Entry represents the initial communication between the consultant and the client where they present, explore and identify problems, opportunities or situations. The output of this episode is an engagement agreement or project plan that establishes mutual expectations and initial agreement about project opportunities (such as time, money and resources).


OD has five steps to designing and implementing images


2) Diagnosis presents fact-finding episodes. It is a collaborative data collection process between organizational stakeholders and consultants where relevant information related to existing problems is collected, analyzed and reviewed.


3) feedback represents the return of analyzed data to the client or client system; Search for information for comprehension, clarity and accuracy; Review of initial agreements on opportunities and resource requirements; And the beginning of data ownership by the client. The output of this episode is typically an action plan that outlines change solutions developed with determined success indicators based on data and data analysis.


4) Solution represents the design, development, and implementation of a set of solutions or sets of solutions intended to correct problems, deficiencies, improve or enhance organizational performance and effectiveness, or to seize opportunities. A communication plan, a role-and-responsibility matrix, a training plan, a training program, an implementation plan, a risk management plan, an assessment plan, or a change management plan are some examples of possible outputs.


5) The assessment represents a continuous process of constructive and concise assessment data collection to determine whether the target is meeting the targets and achieving the set success indicators. The outputs usually include an evaluation report recommended for continuous improvement.


What Are Some Organization Development Initiatives?

Organization development initiatives are generally classified as:

Process team building, interpersonal and group process methods and human process initiatives including coaching

· Techno-structural initiatives include restructuring companies (e.g., attachments and acquisitions, flexible work design, downsizing, business process engineering, total quality management, quality of work life, six sigma and slippers)

Resource human resource management initiatives include employee engagement, employee experience, performance management, employee development, legacy planning, coaching and mentoring, career development and diversity awareness

Organization Strategic initiatives include organization transformation, culture change, leadership development, and attraction and concept initiatives.

Most enterprises have components in each department. TD professionals must ensure that any OD solution is tailored to specific strategic objectives.


Advantages of organizational development

There are many benefits to increasing productivity and efficiency. One of the best ways to encourage positive outcomes in these metrics is to use well-thought-out organizational development frameworks. Organizational development is used to equip an organization with the right tools so that it can respond positively (profitably!) To changes in the market. Benefits of organizational development include:


1. Uninterrupted development

Companies Participating in Developing Companies are constantly developing their business models. Organizational development creates a constant pattern of improvement so that strategies are developed, evaluated, implemented and evaluated for results and quality.

Companies engaged in the development of companies are committed to constantly improving their business and offers. The OD process creates an uninterrupted cycle of improvement through which strategies are planned, implemented, evaluated, developed and supervised. Organizational development is a pragmatic approach that embraces change (internal and external) and facilitates renewal.

In short, the process creates a favorable environment so that an organization can embrace change internally and externally. This change has been implemented to encourage periodic renewal.

In other words, Companies engaged in the development of companies are committed to constantly improving their business and offers. The OD process creates an uninterrupted cycle of improvement through which strategies are planned, implemented, evaluated, developed and supervised. Organizational development is a pragmatic approach that embraces change (internal and external) and facilitates renewal.


2. Increased horizontal and vertical communication

Adequate qualifications for organizational development are effective communication, interaction and feedback of an organization. An efficient communication system aligns employees with the organization’s goals, values ​​and objectives.

An open communication system enables employees to understand the importance of changing an organization. Active organizational development enhances communication in an organization, endless feedback is shared to encourage improvement.

In other words, One of the main benefits of OD is communication, feedback and interaction within the organization. The goal of improving communication is to connect all employees with shared company goals and values. Candidates ’communication increases the sense of the need for change within the organization. Communication at all levels of the organization is open and relevant feedback is repeatedly shared for improvement.


3. Employee growth

Organizational development places significant emphasis on effective communication, which is used to encourage employees to make the necessary changes. Many industry changes require employee development programs. As a result, many companies are working to equip their employees with more market-relevant skills in order to improve their skills.

In another words, Organizational development centers on increased communication to influence employees to bring about the desired change. The need for employee development comes from constant industry and market changes. It enhances the skills of regular employees to meet the growing market needs of an organization. This is achieved through a program of learning, training, skills development and work process development.


4. Increase in products and services

Innovation is one of the main advantages of organizational development and a key contributor to the improvement of products and services. One approach to change is employee development - a critical focus on motivation and rewards for success.

Successful engagement of employees leads to innovation and productivity. Promotes organizational development change through competitive analysis, consumer expectations and market research.

In another words, A key advantage of OD is innovation, which leads to the growth of products and services. Innovation has been achieved through employee development, which focuses on rewarding success and increasing motivation and morale. In this scenario, employees ’engagement enhances creativity and innovation. Organizational development enhances product innovation using competitive analysis, market research and consumer expectations and preferences.


5. Marginal increase in profits

Organizational development affects the bottom line in many ways. As a result of productivity and innovation, profits and efficiency increase. Costs are reduced because the company can better manage employee turnover and absenteeism. After aligning the goals of an entity, it can fully develop and focus on product and service quality, which can lead to improved customer satisfaction.

In another words, Organizational development affects the bottom line in a variety of ways. Through raised innovation and productivity, efficiency and profitability are enhanced. Costs have also been reduced by reducing employee turnover and absenteeism. As OD aligns such goals and focuses on development, product / service quality and employee satisfaction increase. One culture of continuous improvement gives the company an individual advantage in the competitive market.


Organizational development process

A conventional method of action research model in the process of organizational development. This model is used by many companies to guide the OD process. It involves what its name describes - research and action.

But there is more to the OD process than just research and development. Multiple loops are used to transmit feedback, which makes an organization more responsive to change.

In another words, Organizational development processes can be divided into seven steps. We'll go through each of these measures one by one in this segment. Please note that this process is not the opposite of the people analysis cycle - where a problem is identified, data is collected, analyzed, presented and new policies are applied.


What is the difference between human resource and organizational development?

What is human resources?

Or historically, human resource professionals were primarily concerned with the efficient management of the employment process (from hiring to completion). The HR agency also focused on complying with government regulations and helping to reduce employment-related risks. Thus, HR has discovered itself as a support role in other business units. As a result, HR’s culture was mostly transactional and conducive to nature. And, HR was too

Process-and-consent-based thinking.


What is organizational development?

Organizational development, on the other hand, was created as a way to apply behavioral science to help improve organizations and individuals and systems. Audi's goal is to help people work better in organizational contexts. At its core, organizational development is expected to represent purposeful and meaningful change for the better. An OD physician uses two basic tools in his work:

1. Evaluation

2. Intervention

Unlike traditional HR professionals, you won't find any OD professionals looking for checklists and manuals. Instead, they are interested in data and research.

In my view, HR’s risk management legacy has more in common with organizational development than leadership and management theory. Here is a partial list of the various roles often played by HR and OD in the past:


Seeking organizational development:

Improve organizational efficiency by adhering to the culture and standards of the organization

Employees maximize the potential of employees and help them expand their contribution to further the success of the organization

An evaluate what is happening within an organization and then try and intervene to bring about positive change

Organization Align the organization's strategies, structures, processes, business objectives, and people's behavior with it.

Work Help improve organization standards in the workplace


·         Concerned about human resources:

·         Iring manages the recruitment, retention and execution process

·         Employment Reducing employment-related risks

·         Ensure legal compliance

·         Enough ensures there is “enough” equity and diversity

·         Policies To apply policies and procedures

·         Labor Reduce labor costs

·         Work Promoting workplace health and safety


Although not extensive, this list should give a very good sense of the fundamental historical differences that exist between organizational development and human resources.


Elements of organization development

Goal Setting

Employee Development


Change management


Goal Setting

·         Know your organizations objectives beyond surface rhetoric (“improve test scores by xx%?”)

·         Set specific improvement targets for each strategic objective

·         Improvement goals should be absolute targets

·         Percentages allow you to turn problems into impersonal statistics

·         Real numbers force you to think about the actual number of failing students, parent complaints, dissatisfied customers, etc. and their costs to the organization

·         Each member of your team should have the information necessary to set three or four personal or team goals or objectives that build into the organizations strategic objectives for their area of responsibility

·         Leverage PLC or other forms of professional collaboration to set goals, objectives, measurements, and timelines

Employee Development

·         Employee development allows workers to work to their full potential.

·         Performance enhancement can be a benefit of employee development.

·         When you send employees to training and classes, they return with new skills that they can apply to their jobs.

·         Development vs. Training

·         Employee growth is critical for effective succession planning (do we do this for students, auxiliary personnel, administrative support, etc....).

·         Develop a culture where behaviors such as: informal training, coaching, learning, and development is standard(normal)

·         a well-organized workplace Consider using transformation to tackle silos and stagnation, which goes beyond organizational architecture.

·         Considerations related to decision-making processes, management styles, and work flows.

·         Effective Organization Restructuring goes beyond

o   organizational design

o   Considerations related to decision making processes

o   Management styles

o   Work flows

·         Consider using restructuring to combat silos and stagnation



·         After World War II - "One of the Best Ways to Work" gradually disappeared as an influential argument

·         Traditional It was replaced by the concern that traditional organizational structures might prevent rather than promote creativity

·         Challenge Org has the courage to challenge. The condition of the structure

·         Schools are given innovation and innovation

·         Education is surrounded by a world of rapid change and innovation

·         Life School leadership must preparing students for a world of change; are your people, processes, and technology ready 

Change management

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